Lumbung in Western Sydney
Pari, PHIVE, Think +DO Tank, 9 – 21 November 2023
Organisers: Marian Abboud, Maissa Alameddine, Naomi Segal, Jane Wade and Tian Zhang
Organising Collectives: Pari and Arab Theatre Studio with Gudskul
Participating Collectives: Floating Projects (Hong Kong), Kolektif Hysteria (Semarang, Indonesia), Lifepatch (Yogyakarta, Indonesia), Sudut Kalisat (Kalisat, Indonesia), Tindakan Gerak Asuh/TIGA (Malaysia) and Tonjo Foundation (Yogyakarta, Indonesia).

Lumbung in Western Sydney hosted some of our collaborators from documenta fifteen to Dharug Country for a series of nongkrongs (hangouts), cookups, workshops, sharings, gatherings and events with local friends. The program was an extension of Arab Theatre Studio and Pari’s participation in Sekolah Temujalar, Gudskul’s artistic contribution to documenta fifteen in 2022.

Meaning ‘rice barn’ in Bahasa Indonesia, lumbung references a traditional method of communal rice storage and sharing. Practiced by the participants of documenta fifteen, lumbung is a framework for sharing resources, sustainability and community support.

Highlights of the program included:

  • Gudkitchen, a collectively run open kitchen, hangout space and sustainability mechanism that brought Pari’s courtyard alive with communal meals, karaoke, dancing and cleaning. Utensils and food for Gudkitchen were sourced and shared based on the concept of Lumbung.

  • ‘To Your Door’, a music, dance, art and cooking event at Think +DO Tank in Fairfield

  • ‘Such a GUD TEMPErature in Western Sydney: A fermenting workshop & games hangout’ at PHIVE Parramatta

Images 1-3 by Rommel Bahhi. Images 4-6 by Garry Trinh.

Many thanks to our Lumbung in Western Sydney collaborators: Think +Do Tank, Utp, PHIVE Parramatta and Konfir Karbo. This project has been assisted by the Australian Government through Creative Australia, its principal arts investment and advisory body. This project has been supported through a City of Parramatta Council Community Grant. Gudskul, Kolektif Hysteria, Lifepatch, Sudut Kalisat and Tonjo have been supported by The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek), Indonesia. TIGA has been supported by Utp.