I'm looking to take on a paid assistant/intern/apprentice to shadow me and help out with some freelance projects in curating/producing. You don't need any particular experience, just a big heart, a genuine commitment to community, some basic organisational and writing skills, and a desire to learn.
We'll have chats, you'll attend meetings with me (online and in person), take notes and action follow ups, write emails, and do other admin stuff. I'm not going to lie, there will be a lot of emails and desk-based work but also fun in-person stuff like meeting with artists and installing. There is also space to learn things like budgets, contracts, writing copy, grantwriting and working with partners and designers.
In return, I'll provide as much support as I can and give you behind the scenes insight into curating and producing interdisciplinary and participatory projects. The idea is that I'll train you up so that maybe one day you can lead projects and I can shadow, or maybe we'll collaborate on something in the future, or maybe you'll go off and thrive on your own.
I can pay $27/hr via invoice + 10% super. It'll be 4-8 hours of work per week initially, with more available in 2022 during busy periods (potentially Jan-June). Ideally, I'd like someone who can start as soon as possible and work until at least June 2022 (with a few weeks break in late Dec/early Jan).
I will only be considering Sydney-based people. I'll be giving preference to those who are First Nations, people of colour or based in Western Sydney. This is because these lived experiences are important for the projects I'm working on but also because Iām committed to supporting people from these under-represented backgrounds.
If you're interested, please send me a nice email with:
a bit about yourself
what do you care about?
any relevant experience (can be non-work related experience)
why you want this
what you'd like to learn
Please keep your email succinct, I don't want or need to be reading pages and pages.
Deadline is midnight Tues 16 Nov.
It's a tight turnaround because I want someone to start asap. But also, I'm after someone who can just sit down and smash out an email. So go on and drop me a line :)
This is the first time I've done this so please don't hesitate to get in touch with any questions.
tianzhanggg (at) gmail (dot) com